

WP1) Activity Management


  • Setup, KOM and MKT activities towards EIT

  1. Kick-off of the Activity

  2. Business Plan, Communication, & Dissemination plan in place

  3. Financial sustainability, Commercialization strategy & plan, MKT video in place

  4. Intellectual Property rights agreement drafted and signed

  5. Activity Management Report in place

WP2) Technical solution/MVP


  • Creation of the MVP#0 - Innovation Tested
  • Enhancement of the Final Solution


  1. Definition of Use Case, Requirements, KPIs and SW architecture of the solution

  2. Functional and Technical Design

  3. Implementation of Infrastructure + Test environment Set-Up

  4. Development

  5. Tests of the MVP#0

  6. Initial Validation

  7. Bugs fixing + Enhancements

  8. Final Validation

WP3) Business model and go-to-market plan


  • Creation of the draft model
  • Refinement of the draft model to launch the product

  • Product launch/Sale

  • First Invoice of the Product/Service

WP4) Creation of the learning path

Development of an education framework based on the concrete implementation of the project through educational and training modules,targeting both students and industrial workforce. That will create an alternative way to educate and share knowledge by showing best practicesconcretely implemented at the end-users. It will bring added value to other companies and RTOs by showing the possibility of using newtechnologies to find new solutions. The learning path will be created in real companies by focusing on presence the women´s demonstrator ofthe solution. We will put particular emphasis on the transformation of data in knowledge, i.e. providing the guidelines to support creative thinkingand decision making. These best practices will translate into digital learning nuggets that will be available to stakeholders, so enabling access toeducational content to a wider range of industrial companies and their employees. On the other hands we will motivate the women to be also theleaders in Project management of this kind of project. This activities of WP4 will be covered by Industry Innovation Cluster, which has bigexperiences in motivating and putting people, especially women and SMEs, on board in innovative projects. Often, within the countries where the support of the ecosystem is low, e.g. RIS countries. 


  • Creation of learning path

WP5) Dissemination and communication

We will disseminate and expose our results in national and international events, conferences and workshops, dedicated to the citizens, to public representatives and researchers, companies and other stakeholders. We will create a dedicated web page for the project and share the link to i with all of our organizations' web pages.

During each event, we will focus on sharing knowledge, skills, data and trust in innovation and European projects.

By our network and our experiences we will maximize the impact of this project by openness and transparence with the aim to allow other researches to go a step forward and to make scientific results the common good. IIC has huge experience in creating new recommendations or legislations at EU level and in motivating other stakeholders to be the part of EU innovative ecosystem. By answering concrete problems and sharing results, we will encourage our society to collaborate together and be stronger against todays and future challenges. 


  • Organization within the consortium of the creation of the identity set, Dissemination and Communication Plan
  • Implementation of Dissimination and Communication Plan
  • Participation on the events to promote the projects

Identified Use Cases

The TEC Eurolab use case tackles the challenge of optimizing parameters for Industrial Computed Tomography (CT) scans. Industrial CT is vital for non-destructive testing in industries like aerospace and automotive. Unlike medical CT, there is no standardization, requiring manual adjustments by operatorsbased on the component being inspected. The HCP-bO project employs preference-based optimization algorithms to address this issue. Expert operatorsconduct experiments, providing feedback to train the optimization algorithm. This enables the system to suggest parameter configurations for operators,considering objectives like resolution, image quality, and inspection speed. An enhanced version of the algorithm will incorporate both qualitative andquantitative optimization, considering operator preferences and specific component constraints.

The SmartZavod use case tackles the challenge of optimizing parameters of hybrid 3D printing process to achieve increased "geometric accuracy", "surface quality", and "full-cycle production speed" of the printed and post-processed products. The HCP-bO project aims to help operators by overcoming difficulties and knowledge gap in setting hybrid manufacturing parameters for producing complex multi- material parts (for printing: temperature, head moving speed, accelerations, layer heights, cooling rate, etc; for post-processing: depth of cut, feedrate, spindle speed, etc.)


DEL01) Aggregated Use Case analysis document

DEL02) Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities

The report of this deliverable (a technical document) will contain explanations of all technical and functional requirements related to the use cases. It will formalise (also by means of cross- functional diagrams) the information flows inherent in the data and the minimum information that must be made available to users to support project activities.

Plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication activities with focus on the exploitation of the results in other framework.

DEL03) Commercialization and Marketing plan

DEL04) Validation document of the MVP

The marketing and commercialisation plan will be developed by the Business Owner and validated by the consortium partners together with the signing of the intellectual property agreement (background, foreground, sideground and postground). The marketing and commercialisation strategy will specify the following key elements: (i) target market, (ii) value proposition and product messaging, (iii) pricingstrategy and (iv) distribution plan. Specific commercial agreements could be signed between the project partners to sell the solution in specific geographical areas.

Document describing the technical specifications of the system field trial, the status of the completed validation systems at the two end-users, the tests mad and the TRL evaluation of the Minimum Viable Product.

DEL05) Gender equality plan

DEL06) Financial Sustainability agreement

Gender equality plan as for the partners of the Consortium being public or private research organizations or higher education establishment.

This is the document to be signed by the BO and EIT-M and containing the agreements regarding financial sustainability (revenue generated from the economic exploitation and commercialization of the product/service at the end of the project).

DEL07) IPR Document of the project

DEL08) Sustainability report

This document will specify all rules of engagement (e.g., background and foreground management) among project partners and will allow the Business Owner to operate in the marketplace.

Sustainability report DEL made by the Business Owner

DEL09) Activity Management Report deliverable

DEL10) Publishable summary of achievements to be used as dissemination material by EIT Manufacturing

Document describing how the project has been implemented for all of the activity streams: Activity Management, Technical tasks, Business Model and Go-To-Market

Description of the activities executed for communication, dissemination and exploitation.

DEL11) Final validation deliverable

Final validation deliverable. This deliverable will include the conclusions of a final platform validation by the end users in the real scenarios, assessing the KPIs defined in the first stages of the project. This involves the execution of a technical assessment in a the end user facilities, in which to deploy a final version of the system.